If you don't track it...

Here's your tracker example (click on it to download your printable tracker or find it under "Downloads"):

Bark Tracking Printable Sheet



Lesson Transcript (if you prefer reading over watching a video):

"If we don't track it, we can't measure it. So, I've included a barking tracker in Hush the Bark so that you can track your dog's barking. Now, what's the reason for tracking the barking? It is so that we can find patterns. So, what sort of patterns might you be looking for? Maybe your dog is barking at school children who are walking past your house when the schools have come out.

Right, we can find a simple solution to that. How about we have bought and busted toys in the freezer that we can grab one out when the schools are coming out and our dog can have that during that period of time. Easy, simple, make it easy. So we're not getting frustrated with our dog, constantly yelling at our dog.

How can we make this easy? Secondly, it gives us information about improvements. Now humans have a negativity [00:01:00] bias. We tend to see the bad in everything rather than the good. So I have actually had clients whose dogs have made huge improvements wake up one morning and go, my dog is still doing this, that, and the other, and not happy, and Everything.

And of course, I go through and I remind them. Now, do you remember what your dog was like when you started? Would you have been happy with this much progress? Right? Okay. Yes, I'm going to help you make further progress, but where we're at is where we're at. We're just, we need to make some more changes in order to get to the rest.

Now, we're not creating robots. Our dogs are allowed to make mistakes. Our dogs are allowed to be dogs. And remember, for centuries, we bred our dogs to bark and bark. When the first security system was invented in 1966, which is only like 60 years [00:02:00] ago, now all of a sudden, after centuries of breeding our dogs to be our security systems, now all of a sudden we're saying, you don't need to bark anymore, or I've got something else.

It's like, well, we've got centuries of breeding the barking into our dogs, now all of a sudden it's not good enough. It's not a computer program. We can't program it out of them. That takes centuries of reading again to get them back to not barking. Now, so how can we make this easy? And the tracker is going to help you see improvements.

See patterns so that we can find easy solutions and make easy changes and see where our dogs are actually trying because Our dogs are trying even if we don't necessarily see it And so the tracker is there to help you now one thing that you may worry about Things that might put you off. Oh, I can't track my dog or my dog's barking all day That's okay.

Track what [00:03:00] you can because we can look back at those time periods Um over different weeks and see, Oh, okay. I can see an improvement. My dog barked 10 times or I couldn't stop them from barking when a person used to walk past the house at first. And now all of a sudden I can just say, thank you. And my dog will stop barking.

That's what we want. So, this is what the tracker will help us with, because, um, one of my clients, actually, that I helped with barking, actually thought, oh, their dog is still barking, that's bad. However, when they reassessed their dog's barking, they found that their dog doesn't actually bark that much anymore.

They can tell it, their dog, thank you, and the dog will stop. And The things the dog is barking at, like query is, is actually helpful. So we're not creating robots. We don't know. All of a sudden I want our dogs to stop barking completely. This is a help. That's why I created [00:04:00] it. And by the way, all my videos, I've got my two dogs in the house with me.

Actually they're sitting underneath me. And if you see the camera move or whatever, that's them. Are they barking? That is how good this training is. So. Let's get into the Barking Tracker. So we need information before we start the training. So we're going to track where your dog is at now. And then as you go through the program, you're going to see the improvements.

All right, let's get tracking."

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